I just realized that I can make almost anything into a spiritual meditation practice- think about it- how many opportunities do I have to watch the mind and DO NOTHING. Someone cuts me off in traffic- watch this mind rant and rave and don’t give him the finger. A friend doesn’t call when she says she will- watch the hurt and anger rise and decide to not say anything and just accept her limitations. Someone makes an inflammatory comment about my Pit bulls as they pass by us on the street- I notice how defensive my thoughts go and how I so much want to put them in their place but decide to stay quiet and let them have their stories. I listen to my relative go into great detail about the most mundane things and don’t ask her to hurry up or talk over her because I accept and love her quirks and don’t need her to change to suit me. I have a client who is so nervous and frustrated with her dog’s behavior and I don’t try to make it all better and fix it for her with a few sentences, I give her the space she needs to vent and get her feelings out because I too have been where she is.
Doing Nothing is not just about sitting and meditating on a cushion. It is about being triggered by others and deciding to hold your tongue and just observe the rants of your mind. I love that Life gives up so many opportunities to meditate. Every moment is a chance to wake up to that deeper wisdom inside that doesn’t need to have the answer to everything.