and because of this- I need to be around people who “get it”. I am feeling a bit lost with friends that don’t quite know what to do with my continued grief. They certainly don’t need to say something perfect to get me over it. That ain’t gonna happen. I just want them to know there is this gaping hole that is ever present and I am not going to be myself for some time..How much time? who knows, maybe years…
This is a quote I resonate with right now: ” Dead: The act of goneness, an incomprehensible event that leaves me mute”. I am truly humbled by this process of grief. It has forever changed me. The change has no label or explanation is just so apparent to me that I am no longer the woman I was 4 months ago.
Because of this monumental shift in my perception of Life- I am going to a pet loss support group tomorrow. I wonder who will be there, what stories will be shared, how many tears can fill a room. I just want to tell someone that knows- our story. The love affair between my boy and I. It may sound cynical to say to you reading this- but I am quite sure- that this Love is my Love of a Lifetime. It penetrated my wounded heart and healed it. Benjamin convinced me that Love is possible, trust is possible, healing is possible, Everything is possible when Authentic Nature is the force behind Relationship.
Benjamin showed me that I don’t have to be anyone else but myself. I don’t have to hide behind a mask or walk on eggshells or tell stories to keep your interest. I am simply good enough just being me. This gift will carry me through this lifetime and I hope ( and he does too!) that it enables me to give the gift of myself to others worthy of it.